Share0 Tweet0 Pin0 Share0 The Need for Daily Detoxing I confess, that since the devastating fires here in Sonoma County, and the noxious smoke that blanketed the entire Bay Area, I’ve been utterly obsessed with detox. Here in the Bay Area (and beyond), noxious, throat-burning smoke darkened skies for days and weeks. Few people – […]
Share0 Tweet0 Pin0 Share0 Healthy spices… and healthy aging. What’s the connection? I recently was down in my old “home town” of Silicon Valley to give a talk at the Silicon Valley Health Institute about this very topic. Chaired by Dave Asprey of “Bulletproof Executive” and bulletproof coffee fame, the SVHI hosts speakers that share cutting-edge, […]
Share0 Tweet0 Share0 Pin0 What’s one of the easiest and most delicious ways to get more turmeric in your diet, like your doctor ordered? Turmeric smoothies!Turmeric smoothies are a great go-to on-the-go healthy choice for a quick snack or meal replacement. If you’re in a rut making the same old smoothie combinations, try some of these […]
Share0 Tweet0 Share0 Pin0 How about a vegan dessert that leaves you satisfied for hours? Try this epic butternut squash pudding recipe! Seriously? Yes, seriously! I’ve whipped up some new ideas for you to enjoy the amazing benefits of Golden Goddess Turmeric Chai and Chocolate Elixirs. And you can make this vegan dessert in about […]
Share0 Tweet0 Share0 Pin0 Want to feel good about eating a rich dessert? Want a healthy raw vegan dessert that’s good for you? Try this sumptuous chocolate mousse recipe! You can make this raw vegan dessert in about 10 minutes! This fast and delicious recipe helps you stay in control of your eating by: Reducing […]
Share0 Tweet0 Share0 Pin0 Free Radical Damage: A Fast Track Ticket to Aging Free radical damage is the evil twin of chronic inflammation: where you have one, you have the other. If you feel tired and toxic, free radicals could be the culprit. In fact, free radical damage is something I call a “Fast Track […]
Share0 Tweet0 Share0 Pin0 Thinking back to when you were a kid, did you dye Easter eggs? I remember it as one of my favorite Springtime pastimes. Dyeing eggs in Spring is a tradition going back thousands of years. Eggs are a symbol of new life, rebirth, fertility and wholeness. And it’s fun for kids and […]
Attention turmeric lovers! There’s an innovative new product you should know about – the most powerful turmeric tea in the world! There’s simply nothing else like Golden Goddess Turmeric Matrix Instant Tea on the market. Golden Goddess Matrix is a breakthrough turmeric drink for total body support. Made from our patented, standardized turmeric extract, it […]
Share0 Tweet0 Share0 Pin0 Are you pressed for time in the morning? Who isn’t these days Here’s 2 breakfast recipes to start your day. In addition to satisfying beverages and smoothies, you can use Golden Goddess Elixirs to make super-fast healthy breakfasts and snacks. Recipes: Instant Breakfast 1: Chia-Hemp PuddingProtein and nutrient packed power seeds […]
Share0 Tweet0 Share0 Pin0 If you’re alive and breathing, it’s likely you have some level of chronic inflammation going on in your body. We live in a world filled with inflammatory assaults on our bodies:Processed foodsArtificial ingredientsGMOsSugarPolyunsaturated oils (corn, soybean, canola, safflower, sunflower, etc.)PlasticsRadiationAdd lack of sleep, too much stress, not enough fruits and veggies, […]